Web Summer Camp 2021

Amadria Park Šibenik
2.09.2021. - 3.09.2021.

Izuzetno mi je drago što ću post-Covid sezonu konferencija otvoriti sudjelovanjem na jednoj developerskoj konferenciji, gdje ću pričati o poslu prevoditelja između marketinga i developmenta.

If you are interested in #martech trends, first-hand experiences related to building web sites and shops with an increasing number of tools, solutions and architectures that work, you should join this track. We will gather experts from CMS/DXP, eCommerce, PXM, DAM and similar vendors to discuss how to craft better web projects. Learn valuable insights from industry leaders and join us this summer.

It will be a two-day discussion forum moderated by Janus Boye, veteran in the CMS/DXP industry and organizer of the Boye conferences in Aarhus, Denmark since 2005 and US since 2009.

Za više informacija posjetite https://2021.websummercamp.com/tech-forum. Najavu i opis mog predavanja pogledajte na https://2021.websummercamp.com/what-developers-usually-get-wrong-about-web-analytics.
